Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Welcome to Corazon Alimentado

Welcome to our site! Let me introduce myself. I am Sister Theresa Marie Elitz. I am a professional mental health and chemical dependency counselor. I am also bilingual. I speak Spanish and English, and so does all my staff.
I had a fair amount of parents coming to me asking me for services to help their children who had ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). One day I received a brochure in the mail from a therapist named Howard Glasser. Howie (as his friends know him) was a therapist who had ADHD as a child. When he became a counselor for children, he came up with his own approach, and found it highly successful. He originally called it the Nurtured Heart Approach. The children didn’t even have to use medications! Yet, both parents and children were happy with the results they found from his approach. I was interested. I went to one of his workshops and was sold on the idea.
I came back from the workshop bubbling with enthusiasm! I introduced the parents who came to me to the approach. They were having great success with it and wanted to share it with others. We started classes with the parents themselves giving the classes. Again, it was highly successful. The parents wanted some kind of follow-up, but were too busy to come to support groups.
Then, the Spanish version of energyparenting.com was created. In Spanish we call it Corazon Alimentado, because it is a heart to heart approach. It can be found on the web under energyparenting.com. If you want the Spanish version, just click on “en español.”
Children who are raised with these methods make good choices in life. It has been shown that they stay away from drugs, make wiser choices in choosing friends, say “no” to gangs. When it has been used in the juvenile detention system, recidivism decreased. We also have had some success using it with persons addicted to drugs and alcohol, and are now trying to use it in the adult world to improve relationships, and address a number of mental health and addiction problems.
My staff and I would like your comments as you read this blog. Any ideas you have for our classes, the website, or this blog, would be greatly appreciated. We would be glad to answer your questions. We want to know what you are interested in. You can contact us at corazonalimentado.com. Welcome aboard!

"La fuerza de tu energia es la Magia de tu corazon"

Hola mi nombre es Lissette y soy parte de un gran corazón que alimentamos día a día a través de miles de cosas, sólo me faltas , si , porque quiero compartir contigo un mundo lleno de nutridos corazones y fascinantes resultados, ven te invito a que seas parte de una nueva era, de un Corazón Alimentado.....

Alguna vez te has sentido frustrado porque crees que nadie te entiende?

Te frustra saber que tus hijos no se comportan como debieran?

Piensas que el tiempo y tus obligaciones te han robado el alma y tus deseos de hacer las cosas de diferente manera?

Si es asi, no lo pienses mós, a través de Corazon Alimentado obtendras las respuestas y mejor aún la solucion a tus frustraciones de una manera simple y muy objetiva, pero llena de amor y mucha energía positiva..

Si mi voz y mi pensamiento han conectado con tu mente es lo que mas deseo, porque nada me haría más feliz que poder servir de guía y hacerte parte de este gran Corazón en donde hay un espacio enorme para ti y para los seres que amas, tu energia, tu fuerza pueden cambiar el rumbo de tu vida y la forma en que has vivido bajo metodos tradicionales que carecen de estructura y suelen ser obsoletos hoy en dia, específicamente me refiero al modo en que fuimos educados y en la forma en que educamos a nuestros hijos, simplemente es como si intentamos darles de comer sopa con un tenedor, no es la sopa lo que no los alimenta, sino mas bien la herramienta que utilizamos, no es la correcta, con Corazón Alimentado te enseñamos cuál es la herramienta adecuada para lograr lo que quieres de tus hijos y transformar tu vida y la vida de toda tu familia, infórmate más a través de http://www.corazonalimentado.com/ y recibe nuestra revista GRATIS! a tu correo electrónico en donde descubres cuales son los 2 errores más grandes que cometen los padres, te espero.

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